Суббота, 11.01.2025, 02:15
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Какой ваш любимый герой в Slayers?
Всего ответов: 579

Зелгадис Грейвордс
Zelgadis Greywords
マルチナ・ゾアナ・メル・ナブラチョア, Maruchina Zoana Meru Naburachoa

Прозвища: Медузьи мозги
Родина: Неизвестно
Род занятий: Воин-наёмник
Раса: Человек
Цвет волос: Жйлтый(блондинистый)
Цвет глаз: Голубой
Известные родственики: Rowdy Gabriev(?),Mellyroon(?),One brother(???)
Возраст: ~18-20 (Рубаки — TRY)
Способности: Не владеет магией, но имеет удивительные физический способности
Оружие: Goru Nova(Hikari No Gen)
Слабости: Слизни, размер её груди, сестра Луна
Друзья: Лина Инверс (Lina Inwers),Зелгадисс Грэйвордс (Zelgadiss Graywords),Амелия Вил Тесла Сейрун (Amelia Wil Tesla Sailoone),Филия Уль Копт (Firia Ul Copt),Кселлос (Xellos),Сильфиль Нелс Лада
Возлюбленная: Лина Инверс (Lina Inwers)

Martina, along with her father, plotted to capture Amelia. Lina, along with Gourry and Zelgadis, saved Amelia then used the Dragon Slave to destroy Martina's castle and the surrounding town. Enraged, Martina ran off and learned magic so that she could take revenge on Lina. Later, Martina joins forces with Lina and company. Martina is fickle in her love affairs, obsessed with whatever man she happens to see first that day. At the beginning of the series she is hung up on Zelgadis, but her interests switch to Gourry and even Xellos as the series progresses. She is obsessed with her Lord Zoamelgustar, a monster god she made up, but might actually exist.She is usually a comic foil for the other characters. However any serious scenes she plays are for the purpose to emphasize an important or dramatic moment in the story.While she has practically no powers, she does seem adept at curses (even though they seem to backfire on her). She even cursed Lina so that any damage she inflicted would be returned to her. She also worships a dark Monster God, not even Xellos or any other Monster antagonists have heard of named Zoamelgustar (Xellos: "Never heard of him...). However at one point she summons his power and is able to generate a shield far greater than one that Lina or any of the other spell casters could muster. This may have been her own innate power, but it's actually Aqua, a dragon god they've met along the way to a Claire Bible. She faces down the final enemy in the last episode, showing that she is an ally and, in a way a friend of the regular cast, including Lina. When Hellmaster Phibrizo kills her during the final battle, Martina uses her last moments to encourage Lina to keep fighting and save Gourry. She eventually marries Zangulus in a fake backdrop church, as her hometown is still rebuilding after Lina's Dragon Slave.

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